Prez and Friends Fics: Fan and Original Wiki

Star Ponies, episode I. A parody of the popular Star Wars series, with ponies, Legos, and Polly Pockets, etc. It is currently in developement by My Little Parody.


Pinkie Skywalker (Anakin Skywalker): Pinkie Pie

Celestia Won Kanobe (Obi-Wan Kanobe): Beachberry as Celestia

Padme Flutterada (Padme Amidala): Fluttershy

Darth Appleious/Chancellor Appletine (Darth Sidious/Chancellor Palpatine): Applejack

Darth Coconut (Darth Maul): Coconut Cream

Swoda (Yoda): Sweetsong

Gardenia Gon Gin (Qin-Gonn Jinn): Gardenia Glow

Dash Windu (Mace Windu): Rainbow Dash

Jar-Jar Binks (Jar-Jar Binks): Lego Jar-Jar Binks

Boss Nass (Boss Nass): Lego Gungan Soldier

Lego the Hutt (Jabba the Hutt): Lego Racer Dude

Nute Gunray (Nute Gunray): Lego Droid

Rune Hako (Rune Hako): Lego Droid

Twi Skywalker (Shmi Skywalker): Twilight Sparkle

Pebulba (Sebulba): Peachy Pie

Pod Racer Announcer (Pod Racer Announcer): Lego Droid

Radoo (Watoo): Rarity

Creamster Banai (Kitster Banai): Coconut Cream

Undetermined (Wald): Undetermined

More Coming Soon
